卤面 by Jammie Chua

The braised pork and eggs:
4 eggs
1 slab of pork belly
A few star anise
2 cinnamon stick
4 garlic cloves
A pinch of pepper
A pinch of salt
Some sugar
For dark soy sauce and dark soy sauce, I estimated (taste and adjust)

1. Boil some eggs and set aside.
2. Bring a little water to boil, enough to cover the pork belly.
3. Add in star anise, cinnamon sticks, garlic, soy sauces, salt, sugar and pepper. Boil.
4. Add in pork belly and eggs. Simmer for 25min.
5. Leave it overnight. (Heat up before eating)
6. Remove pork belly and eggs from pot and slice.

Noodles and vegetable:
Flat yellow noodles
Bean sprouts
(Boil together. Set aside.)

Add more water to the overnight 'lor' if needed. Stir in corn flour. Turn off the gas and stir in a beaten egg.

Pour gravy onto the noodles and bean sprouts. Serve with the sliced pork belly, eggs, fish cakes, ngoh hiang. Garnish with chopped garlic, spring onions, cut chili and sprinkle some vinegar.


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