Budae Jjigae (Korean Army Stew) by Anna Tan

I did not add the seasoning of the Korean instant noodle. I used 2 tbsp Gochujang pepper paste, few drops of sesame oil, 1 small pkt of kimchi and 800ml ikan bilis broth.
This is a bit spicy. I got it from Korean supermarket but you can find similar gochujang from coldstorage or Xtra NTUC.

Ikan bilis broth:
Depends the amount of Korean instant noodle that you wish to cook. For above I used 900 ml of water with a handful of clean ikan bilis to boil for 15 mins, no salt added. Roughly about 800ml broth.

After arranging the ingredients, add in the broth about 800ml for 2 instant noodle and bring to boil. Not too long.