Light ButterMilk Waffle by Yvonne Mah

320g Self-raising flour
30g Corn flour
1tsp Salt
2 large Eggs
60g Caster sugar
1tsp Vanilla extract
120g Unsalted butter, melted
480g Buttermilk (I use 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice & top up with fresh milk, let it stand for 5 mins before using)

1. Add self-raising flour, corn flour & salt into a bowl. Stir well with a whisk & set aside.
2. Beat egg with sugar until pale & fluffy.
3. Add in vanilla extract & melted butter, whisk until combined.
4. Add in flour mixture and buttermilk alternatively until well-combined.
5. Let the batter stand for 30 minutes before use.
6. Lightly brush the pre-heated waffle iron with cooking oil. Pour batter & cook until golden brown.

You may adjust the proportion of self-raising flour & corn flour slightly to your own preference (more corn flour makes it crispier but not too much). Hope you'll enjoy this light & crispy waffle