Chocolate Truffles by Sophia‎


500g heavy cream 
50g unsalted butter 
600g dark chocolate 

Coating suggestions 
Cocoa powder 
Matcha powder 
Chopped nuts 


1. Boil butter and cream. 
2. Slowly pour into dark chocolate and mix well. 

Suggestion: You may add your favourite liqueur, liquor, chili flakes, lemon juice, or flavouring essence to create multiple variations if you like! 

1. Chill the ganache for approximately 4 hours. 
2. Sift cocoa powder. 
3. Roll chocolate ganache into mini balls, or of any shape you like. 
4. Coat the chocolate balls with cocoa powder, or anything else you can think of. 

This recipe is really flexible and feel free to be creative and bold! Enjoy these sinfully good chocolates!

Video recipe: